Communication events

During the lifetime of the ENHANCE project, the list of Communication events are summarized as following:

Communication Event

Proposed activities


1st Industrial Workshop on July 7th, 2021 (online) -> event announcement

- Promote the ENHANCE vision, objectives, and outcomes

- Present the project consortium activities on Maintenance, Production, and Quality 4.0 (MPQ 4.0)

- Collect MPQ 4.0 requirements from Tunisian and Moroccan industrial partners

- 151 registrations

- Among the 151, 84 industrial representatives

- Among the 84, only 26 were connected during the workshop

- Min number of answers per question : 7

- Max number of answers per question : 15

- Online survey to collect answers after the workshop: 32 answers collected

2nd Industrial Workshop on November 25th, 2021 (IIT, Sfax-TN) -> event announcement

- Promote the ENHANCE vision, objectives, and outcomes

- Present the DIH experience in BIBA

- Present examples of industry 4.0 Competence Centre in Sfax

- Present a case study, developed by IIT students, about the application of virtual reality for industry 4.0

- Round table with a mixed panel of industrial representatives and researchers about the new industry 4.0 competences needed by industry and the expected role of universities

+150 participants: Industrial representatives, professors, and industrial engineering students

3rd Industrial Workshop on March 11th, 2022 (UIT, Kenitra-MA) -> event announcement

- Promote the ENHANCE vision, objectives, and outcomes

- Promote the digital strategy in Morocco

- Promote the role of European cooperation agencies for competence and technologie development and transfert

- Present some industry 4.0 results from actions performed in EU and MA

- Round Table composed and chaired by Moroccan industrial representatives to discuss the ongoing industrial challenges behind Maintenance, Production, and Quality 4.0 and their expectations from competences development in the university.

+140 participants: Industrial representatives, MA & EU agencies' representatives, professors, and industrial engineering students