Following the list of the ENHANCE deliverables released until month M41
All the ENHANCE deliverables are reviewed by two internal reviewers (members of the consortium) and one external reviewer.
WP1: Analysis & Trainers Skills Enhancement
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Release Month
Literature review about required skills related to MPQ4.0
This document, a public report, is developed as part of the ENHANCE project to explain the state of the art about the required skills related to MPQ4.0. The findings of this work provide a supportive guideline for HEIs in Partner Countries (PC) to acquire new MPQ4.0 training expertise (by faculty members) and skills (by students, researchers, and industrial staff) for supporting local industries in the appropriation of the MPQ4.0 concepts and solutions. This report highlights the nine pillars, enabling technologies, of Industry 4.0 and the SoA reference architectures. In addition, it explains the European, Tunisian and Moroccan strategic plan and roadmaps. The work describes the actual implementation of these technologies in the predefined and new identified concepts for the topics maintenance, production and quality 4.0. Numerous related practices and finished/ongoing R&D projects are introduced. Finally, the document provides an abstraction framework based on the resulting competencies, skills, and abilities for a successful industry 4.0 transition.
Gap analysis between HEIs and industry 4.0 skills related to MPQ4.0
The main objective of this deliverable is to present the result of the analysis of the gap that exist between the skills acquired in trainings in HEIs and the skills required by MPQ4.0 which are defined in task T.1.1. A set of recommendations will be proposed including the set of skills and technologies to develop in the different learning activities.
MPQ4.0 learning framework (LF-MPQ4.0)
The purpose of the document is to develop the MPQ4.0 learning framework (LF-MPQ4.0). To overcome the gap between targeted MPQ4.0 techniques and teachers’ knowledge on MPQ4.0. The LF will be elaborated with given objectives, clear results, and activities.
Design of training strategy for partner HE staff
The purpose of D1.4 is to define the training strategy that permits to define the scientific contents to develop in order to update the current programs of HEI with respect to MPQ4.0 knowledge and technologies. That is represented by the set of activities that may be considered to extend the current courses and to create new ones dedicated to students and industrial staff. More precisely, this strategy will help from one side each HEI to define which courses will be modified and which activities to use for that, and from another side, it will help all partners to define together the contents of six common courses, two courses by domain, that will enhance the current programs.
Report on Train Tunisian and Moroccan HE staff according to the LF-MPQ4.0
The deliverable D1.5 is a report on training High Education Institutes staff (trainers). It describes what will be selected as training activities to develop? How and when they will be used in trainers training sessions? How they will be evaluated to improvement and refinement? First it gives the flow chart and rules used to select the MPQ4.0 Training activities to be developed according to outcomes of gap analysis done in Task 1.2. After it shows the organisation of selected activities in 6 common courses and 3 uses cases. Then it establishes the planning of High Education staff training sessions based on selected MPQ4.0 training activities. Finally, it defines an evaluation process of developed training activities for refinement or improvement of developed training material.
The administrative organisation of the DIH
This document explains the concept of Digital Innovation Hub, its evolution from the previous European Programme (H2020) through the “Digital Europe” programme between 2021 and 2027. The document proposes methodologies to create Competence Centres and Digital Innovation Hubs in Africa.
WP2: Implementation of the learning framework LF-MPQ4.0 and Digital Innovation Hub (DIH)
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Release Month
Requirements in learning materials for targeted MPQ4.0 skills (WP2)
This deliverable presents the tools and technologies to use for the development of the different teaching activities according to LF-MPQ4.0 and addressing challenges related to the three topics of MPQ4.0. More precisely, it describes the methodologies used to define the learning equipment that will be bought by HEI partners and used to develop courses and uses cases activities.
Pilot 1: Maintenance Engineering
This document is developed as part of the ENHANCE project in pilot 1 of maintenance 4.0. The content describes all developed courses and related activities for the topic Maintenance 4.0, providing a comprehensive overview of the curriculum designed to enhance maintenance in the era of Industry 4.0. It includes detailed course descriptions, a short objective of each developed activity, some screens per activity, the link in the public platform, and its Syllabus.
Pilot 2: Production Engineering.
This document is developed as part of the ENHANCE project in pilot 2 of production 4.0. The content describes all developed courses and case studies for the topic of Production 4.0, providing a comprehensive overview of the curriculum designed to enhance production in the era of Industry 4.0. It includes course descriptions, a short objective of each developed activity, some screens per activity, the link in the public platform, and its Syllabus.
Pilot 3: Quality Engineering
This document is developed as part of the ENHANCE project in the pilot 3 of Quality engineering. The content describes all developed courses and related activities for the topic Quality 4.0, providing a comprehensive overview of the curriculum designed to enhance quality management in the era of Industry 4.0. It includes course descriptions, a short objective of each developed activity, some screens per activity, the link in the public platform, and its Syllabus.
The Lifelong eLearning (LeL) platform
The proposed document will help to understand how the LeL platform is organised, how and where the instances will be deployed, and the exploitation capabilities of these instances per partner country institution.
Reports on the conducted training rounds
As a CBHE project, ENHANCE focuses mainly on developing a set of Training activities which will be used to train the trainers of the involved PC HEIs and groups of companies’ representatives. The D2.6 reports on the conducted training rounds by giving the scheduling of training sessions, the collected data related to the selected training activities and statistics about attendance for each session. It highlights the impact of this training session on the training activities’ continuous improvement and adoption process. By statistical analysis of the collected data, it estimates the global key indicators of the project. It also reports on two administrative training sessions.
The 2 Digital Innovation Hubs
This document reports the creation of three Digital Innovation Hub in the partner countries as one among the outcomes of the project enhance. Based on the European vision related to the DIH and their services and the existing Competence Centres created also in this project, the different steps to create the DIH are defined in this document.
WP3: Quality plan for training and skills assessment
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Release Month
Strategic Quality Plan
The strategic quality plan is one of the key elements of the project that determine the right quality initiatives for to the learning programs and trainers’ qualification. Through this plan, this task will suggest guidelines and procedures to monitor the project preparation and development with high standard quality plan. This plan presents the set of guidelines, procedures and best practices to monitor the trainings and learning programs. This report will also define the plan to form the quality expert team.
M04, M18
Sustainability assurance plan
D3.2 aims to present the worked-out strategy ensuring the sustainability of ENHANCE project outcomes/results during and beyond its lifetime. The document addresses sustainability barriers hindering the achievement of this goal, the realistic and feasible mechanisms/measures and required resources mapped with the list of envisaged outcomes of the project. In addition, executed and planned sustainability actions have been described.
Quality Audit reports
The quality audit reports follow a quality audit methodology based on the ISO 9001 improvement principles to assess: the quality of the training activities with academic staff and industrial representatives, the quality of the adaptation or extension process of the PC 8 programmes and related courses, and the quality of the effective consumption of the purchased equipment for the 4 PC institutions. This deliverable provides an action plan to improve the quality of the training project after the end of the ENHANCE project.
M26, M33
Quality expert team training reports
This deliverable focuses the quality of interaction and transfer mechanisms (from trainers to trainers, and from trainers to learners). The objective is the set up a training strategy in order to be able to guarantee the quality of project deliverables and oversee the development of the three pilots in accordance with the requirements, specifications, recommendations and best practices of a quality standard. The team will also monitor the sustainability of the activities and added value through the Competence Centres (CC) and Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) beyond the end of the project.
WP4: Dissemination and exploitation
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Release Month
Strategic plan for awareness raising, communication and dissemination
The deliverable objective is to define the strategic plan that will be adopted for the dissemination and communication during the project lifetime. More specifically, this task aims to identify the target groups of dissemination and communication activities and ensure an efficient and coherent approach to disseminating the project’s outcomes and results to the widest possible in PC. This report plays an important role in establishing a clear strategy to promote, communicate and disseminate results of the ENHANCE project. The plan should clearly identity: • The objective of the disseminate and communicate strategy • The target groups, i.e. whom to disseminate and communicate to? • What information to disseminate and communicate? • Where and how to disseminate and communicate • Date of dissemination and communication.
Project identity and guidelines
The objective of this deliverable is to present the project guideline including the visual identity that will be adopted and inserted in all project reports (including PowerPoint slides, reports, banners, posters) and in the website and the used template for the different deliverables and presentations.
Project website
This document is developed as part of the ENHANCE project to present the project website and its structure, providing a roadmap for navigating the wealth of information and resources available.
Meetings report
This document presents the minutes of the different online and physical meetings.
Reports on Communication, dissemination and awareness
This reports summarises the main information about the organised dissemination actions during the first reporting period of the ENHANCE project.
M21, M36
Publications in indexed journals & conferences
This report sum-up the articles published/submitted in/to conferences and journals during the first reporting period.
M18, M35
Project Workshops
The objective of this deliverable is to present the different organized project workshops. Some statistics are presented.
WP5: Management
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Release Month
Project Management, Quality and Risk Plan
The main objectives of this deliverable are summarised on the following actions: • To ensure a smooth flow of ENHANCE activities to schedule and complete them efficiently according to the scheduled work plan and allocated budget. • To ensure that projects procedures and guidelines are respected or change them if required during the project lifetime to ensure successful completion of tasks, deliverables, and achievement of the milestones. • To ensure the continuous monitoring of the project quality which include the internal and external quality assessment. • To monitor the potential risks related to the achievement of project activities and innovation being developed in the technical work packages.
Project periodic reports
Contractual documents to be submitted at the mid-term report (M21)
Project final report
Contractual documents to be submitted at the final report (M41)
Project quality and risk management guidelines
The main objective of this deliverable is to define a set of procedures, rules and guidelines that should be respected by all ENHANCE partners to reduce project overhead, guarantee the high quality of project results and the easy monitoring of the project process. This work item deals also with the identification of potential project management risks and monitoring of them as well as with the definition and follow-up of contingency plans.